Ambassador Spotlight: Daniel Ben-Yochannan

Learn how our ambassadors are helping us drive solar mobility forward.

I first became aware of Aptera and fell in love with the vehicle because its vision of doing good for the planet aligns with my own company’s beliefs. I manage a number of vacation properties and resorts in the Caribbean. Part of our mandate is to utilize solar technology wherever we can. Caribbean countries like Jamaica sometimes face severe energy challenges due to things like hurricanes. The power is either severely curtailed or shut off completely. This means they go off the grid part of the time. I sense the rest of the world will face these kinds of challenges and will need to come up with solutions. Here in the USA, our consumption of crude oil is unsustainable.

What I love most about the vehicle is that it blends solar and battery technology. I also love the beautiful design. When I first laid eyes on Aptera, I immediately saw how it looked like a dolphin. This really caught my attention, and I realized that it would fit beautifully with our resorts. This means that the vehicles will be available for rent for our guests and will be used by our resort employees. It really matches our sustainability program and ensures the islands remain free of pollution from additional gas powered cars.

We will be giving away an Aptera vehicle at an upcoming hospitality conference in New York City. I am very confident this will be the talk of the show and will bring even more attention to Aptera.

My background is in finance – in fact, my whole world is numbers. I have been involved with corporate banking, real estate and the hospitality industry. My father was the foundation for our company’s belief in sustainability. He brought our family over from Ethiopia in the 1970s. He was a forensic scientist who eventually became the chief medical examiner at Cook County in Chicago. Over time, he acquired several funeral homes in the city. From here, he built a very successful funeral operation. It handled all aspects of the business including coffins, flowers and embalming. I saw first-hand how my father built his business and his entrepreneurial drive and desire for success really influenced me to strive hard in this world. 

As an Aptera Ambassador, I want to spread the word and the knowledge of the brand. I believe they have created a unique technological marvel. We know there are many Ambassadors in the USA, but we have chosen to focus all our efforts on the Caribbean- it’s our sweet spot. When you think about “fun, sun and ocean” we know that Aptera fits so well with this theme. We want to let the world know there is a way to move around sustainably while at the same time really enjoying the ride. Aptera truly is one of the best options that exist.

Written by Michael Brooke

Over 700 global volunteers make up our dedicated Brand Ambassador Program. Aptera Ambassadors are sEV enthusiasts and leaders that play a fundamental role in the spread of Aptera’s mission: to create the most efficient transportation on the planet. In this series, you’ll discover who our ambassadors are, what attracted them to Aptera, and what it means to be an Aptera ambassador.